From Osage County to Ocean County

From Osage County to Ocean County

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Giants, Buffalo Chx Dip, and snow all in the mix!

It officially snowed today!  YAY!!!   I'm so glad that I did all my Food Store shopping yesterday because I really don't want to be out with the CrAzIes when it snows!  

Taken at Giants Training Camp Aug. 2011

The Giants have BIG Game tomorrow and we are all super excited!   BIG BLUE!!    If they win this game they will be playing in the Super Bowl.  Ya Down with J.P.P?  Yeah you know me!!!  Ya Down with Big Blue D?  Yeah you know me!!   (I heard that song on FOX 5 news)

  I'm making Pulled Pork (for recipe look at blog PULLED PORK YOU'LL FALL APART FOR) and Baked Beans! 
Training Camp at the Meadowlands

For everyone else I thought I'd give you the recipe for Buffalo Chicken Dip (Always a fan favorite)!!!  My friend Kelly gave me this recipe back in 2008 and it has been pleasing appetites ever since!   

Buffalo Chicken Dip

16 oz. Cream Cheese-Softened (I usually nuke it to make it a bit smooth)
8-9 Oz. Franks Red Hot Sauce   (any Hot sauce will do)
2 cups (about 1 1/2 lbs.) boiled shredded Chicken  
1-2 TBSP Medium Salsa
1 1/2 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese or Mexican Cheese
(will need more to add to top)

Melt Cream Cheese then add Hot Sauce, mix well until smooth.   Next add Chicken, Salsa and Cheddar Cheese.   Mix together and taste....if you want more spicy here is the time to add one or two more oz. of Hot Sauce.
Place into Baking dish and top with more cheddar cheese.   Bake at 350 degrees for 30 mins or unitl beginning to brown. 

If you feel a little fancy you can add Blue Cheese dressing or Crumbles of Blue Cheese!

BEST CHIPS to serve with is FRITO SCOOPS or Tortilla Chips!!!

Super Easy and SUPER DELICIOUS for the SUPER BOWL!!!

Go Giants!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

hey wise-guy!

This is how I know I'm getting older....or should I say wiser?   

Instead of calling my friends about drink specials at the local pub, I considered calling my friends to tell them about the MEAT sale going on at the local Food Store!   Seriously, I was picking up a Pork Shoulder (for the Giants Play-Off game) and strolled by the ground BEEF (yum Beef!) and saw that it is currently $1.99 per pound!    JACKPOT!!!    I picked up 3 packs and already brought them home, separated into ziplock baggies and they are chillin' out in the freezer!    I swear I am so cool!!!   LOL!

This week I managed to sneak away while G was at school and I saw 'The Descendants' starring George Clooney.   I believe it will win for Best Picture, it was serious yet had a bit of humor in the right spots.   Everyone should see it.   It made me sad b/c the last Queen of Hawaii's descendants had to determine if they wanted to sell the land or keep it in trust, and the ones that wanted to sell didn't have a connection or appreciate the true beauty that land holds.   Then I kept thinking of our Original Osage Alottees and their land.    It made me appreciate my Grandfather Raymond and how he kept hold of his land for his children and grandchildren.    That money has a way of coming and going but Land is constant.   I love you Grandpa!   
Map of the Osage Reservation

Did anyone else notice that my favorite MOOD FABRICS is where everyone from Project Runway buys all their material?    Only the best place in NYC!!!     

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My experience with MY WEEK WITH MARILYN....

This morning was a blistery uber cold morning....considering it has been an extra warm December and now January is just trying to freeze us out.    It was so cold that even the water spout outside decided to burst in the middle of the night.   HOLY MOLY!    The best thing to do if it's Freakin' HoTter than Hades or Colder than the North Pole is to Go to the Movies!!!

Today I decided that it was going to be THE day that I go to see My Week with Marilyn.    So 12:35 rolls around and I better be off to the theatre.    (I tried to convince E to go with me, but he is a NO-GO.  Bummer!)   I walk into the AMC Theatre and there is a line....A LINE at 1:00 p.m.???    Wow I wonder what all these people are planning on seeing???    

I get my ticket for Theatre #2 and hit the concession stand for a Cameo Pack (which is a tiny bag of popcorn and a small drink).   Merrily I'm bopping down to my designated theatre and I look at the sign and #2 looks like it's showing The Muppets and #5 is showing My Week with Marilyn.   There are a few elderly ladies standing outside looking confused.  Hmmm...well the computers print the tickets and I'm sure they are coordinate the screenings with the tickets.  (My Analytical skills at work).   Alright well I'm going in!!!  I'm the first one in and so I choose the best seat.   Aisle Seat about 4 rows from the back.  I must also include that this particular theatre is an old school kind, meaning no stadium seating.  

A couple of people come in and sit.   So far so good.   After about 2 previews the movie is starting...Yay!!!   After about 5 mins. into the movie, a crowd of people coming from #5 started plowing into the theatre...let's just say they weren't quiet people either.   Old Men were yelling to their wives, "Oh Jesus, the movie started already!", "How long has the movie been on?"  The wives were yelling back to the husbands, "Just sit down" and "I'm not leaving!".   I had to pipe up and make an announcement that "THE MOVIE JUST STARTED AND THIS KID IS TALKING ABOUT HIS FIRST JOB"   Then almost in unison everyone said, "Oh Okay Thanks" and everyone sits and all is quiet again.   

Then wouldn't you know a rowdy crew of three old ladies come in talking all loud and make a big production on where to sit.   Oh but it doesn't stop there, they continued to talk throughout the WHOLE MOVIE!   The sweet little ladies behind me first did the polite shhh.   The Rowdy crew was silent for a few minutes then started talking again, then someone else yelled for them to "BE QUIET!"  I felt like I was in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.   It was horrible!!!  Everyone tried their best to ignore them but about half way through the movie they started having full on conversations about the movie, like they were invisible.  Those sweet little old ladies behind me kept trying to shush them, but those roustabouts just kept talking about the movie louder and louder.     Good Lord above, please give me strength!   I felt my tolerance reach it's all time high for a movie and I sternly whipped my head around and said, "Would you talk about the movie AFTER the Movie is over! You are being rude to everyone else around you."    Then everyone else in the theatre said, "YEAH"!   LMAO!   We did not hear a single peep, cough, sigh, or noise of any kind from them again for the rest of the movie!!!     I was officially the My Week with Marilyn Hero!!!  

Oh my goodness, Michelle Williams' portrayal was AMAZING!   Definitely Academy Award performance.   You were able to see the highs and lows of the lifestyle Marilyn Monroe lived.    The movie was written very tastefully and I am looking forward to reading The Prince, The Show girl and Me.  I would definitely see it again and recommend it to everyone I know.    I give it 2 Thumbs up! 
Michelle Williams

 If I had to choose between War Horse and My Week with Marilyn....Marilyn would win!!!   

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Giants make the Playoffs and pass the Meatballs!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!  Can you believe it is 2012 already?   1992 doesn't seem that long ago (That's when My Sis graduated from good Ol' Pawhuska High)  That was my freshman year in High school too!    20 years have flown by!!!

The Giants beat the Cowboys and they play again next Sunday!    That means I need to make more far it has been a hit with every Touchdown!    #80 Victor Cruz had an amazing game and some awesome catches!   Shout Out to Cruz!  Cha-Cha!!!!

For New Year's Eve I made some Sweet & Spicy Meatballs (Which is always a favorite for people of all ages) .

You will need 4 Things and only 3 Step Process.

1.) Handy Dandy Crock Pot or Slow Cooker, whichever you prefer to call it!
2.)  A Bag of frozen meatballs
3.) 2 lb. Jar of Welch's Grape Jelly
4.) 1 Large Jar of Taco Sauce or 2 small ones.  Brands could be Ortega or Old El Paso

Oh my goodness this is so easy to make and so delicious!   Everyone would think that you put some real work into it!    E's family refers to them as "The Meatballs".  

Example:   Aunt El:  What would you like me to bring?  I can bring "The Meatballs"!  
Me: Yes, bring "The Meatballs"!   Awesome!!!

Step #1.  Empty Bag of Meatballs into Crock Pot

Step #2 Empty Jar of Grape Jelly onto top of Meatballs

Step #3.  Empty Taco Sauce on top of Meatballs and Jelly

Slap that lid on and set to High!
In a bit STIR everything b/c jelly will start to melt.

Go ahead and watch some reality TV and play Words with Friends. 

In a few hours the meatballs will soak up the Sweet and Spicy Concoction and will be perfect!

Be prepared to hear everyone saying " How did you make these" "YUM" and "These are good"

Love, Peace and Fry Bread Grease!!!